

Cheap Link From New Girl 

Rachel is the right one!Who's Elizabeth Spiers' new apprentice? It's the girl on the right in the picture on the left, with her Mum when she graduated back in '04. That reminds us of her mistress who was also proud to show off her college success. Rachel enters the bloggosphere on Elizabeth's very own site, introducing herself as new. We can see that, hon, since you logged in as elizabeth and didn't bother to create your own login.

Anyway, welcome. Just that: linking to a Google search which should prove that you're a "classy" gal when it's actually only looking up rachel-sklar dildo is quite cheap. That is like us pointing out that we are hit no. 6 for blog nip slip or even more embarassing at no. 23 on Thai Google for Blog daily routine.

Still not as embarassing as this from 2003, though:
Elizabeth, 2003
This looks especially odd as she's "growing her hair out" these days.

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