

Jason and Nick Reunite in Friendship 

(c) Gothamist.com 2004
Here we go, there's a new dawn, there's a new life. Archrivals Nick Denton and Jason Calacanis reunite in friendship only after recent disagreement. A simple IM conversation seems to have reinstalled mutual trust. Nick even plugs Jason's new venture, and remarkably, without employing moody wording, playing it rather nicely.
So where's the common cause? First up Robert Scoble and his recent fall out with the gadget boys from both sides. Runner up is the fight against Pay Per Post. Both are "reporting" on the disturbing incident of a mother in "indignation" (and let's name it, in "indignation" for HP), and on PPP's evil plan to force its very own reality show upon us.
What's up next boys?

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