

:Gothamist makes TV!


the latest Grambo line: baby, i will find your translation, if you catch my drizz. (secretly hidden behind the picture)

Neuroscience For Advertising 

"A new research effort will be launched by both the Advertising Research Foundation and the American Association of Advertising Agencies in three phases. The first will involved the collection of existing data on how the mind works which will be completed by Harvard guru Gerald Zaltman. The second will compile new research being done by a dozen firms that "measures of story-telling campaigns," which, by the way, is how researchers hypothesize we like our campaigns. Sort of like that Folger's coffee romance. The third will be comprised of what researchers are calling the "co-creation of stories" which gets into the heady notion of consumers processing commercial messages through their "existing thought structure" and then "create new meaning" from that message exposure." [Adrants]

Take One For the Country 

"The men go off into harms way gratified, and because the organisation is covert, they get the boost in ego thinking that they scored on their own attributes, they ship out relaxed and confident, with a distinct impression of a grateful nation behind them". [The Sun]

Big in NY 

FINALLY: The most anticipated story in Blogland:
When Uncle Grambo hit NYC last week end: witty pleasantries were bantered about, blogs were (briefly) discussed. And hottness all over the palce as you can imagine! And how divaesque is that: moments later, The Spiers descended upon the bar and tender hugs were exchanged.

blogf*ckers incorporated (part I)

Miranda aka Cynthia Nixon is creating buzz as the new face for a toothbrush firm.


Trying Hard to Please 

To: Nick Denton, Gawker Media
From: Andrew Krucoff, Boy About Town

... By way of introduction, I am Andrew Krucoff, the "Young Manhattanite" ... I also recently posted a faux-review of your Fleshbot party called "Gawk'd" that I hope no one took offense to ... Anyway, what am I getting at? I enjoy the Gawker Media properties ... I realize the absurdity of this claim and it's like saying a high school drama class is in development for a spin-off series ... I just need to develop on my own and see where it goes ... I'm so cheap that rounds are on the house all night ...


Jason says, 

Will that cause a stir on the side of the Grande Dames ? ? ? ? ? et al.

UPDATE: Well, obviously it didn't generate any buzz in the blogosphere so far!

Kinja News 

Nick is happy to see his latest service spreading from the LES to Montana. That, however, incited Lockhart, who then launched the LESHipsters digest, which is, of course, comprised entirely of hip people blogging easterly.

And we are happy to discover the Kinja button, which allows people to add one's blog to their Kinja favorits by simply clicking the button. Add to your Kinja digest


Nick defends Wonkette, who has also been on TV recently, in response to an article in the NYT about her *scandalous* writing.

Downtown Do(u)c(he)umentarian 

Krucoff hits on Lockhart Steele once again:Steeling Beauty, Pt. XVII [via TMFTML]

Calacanis scooping 

Liz stays red Jason Calacanis seems to be out 'n' about for something as he gathers a lot of blogging talent around him among which we find former leading lights of the Denton empire. For us it's just another opportunity to continue our Spiers photo-docu-obligation, courtesy of Bluejake.


Bloggers' Trade Association 

Bloggers' trade association, which will

:Gather and disseminate statistics on the size and success of citizens' media
:Set standards

Great ideas, I'm just not confident enough that the institutional thing about it will work out: "Membership will be open to any creators of citizens' media online. The association will be governed by an executive committee elected by the membership." -- will it?


Out-Drudge Drudge 

... At times, Wonkette reads like Gawker featuring George Stephanopoulos instead of Anna Wintour. Ms. Cox borrows heavily from the features that made Gawker popular (Gawker Stalker, the celebrity sightings roundup, became Wonk'd on Wonkette.) She subscribes to a decidedly Gawkeresque philosophy: try to be accurate, but more importantly, be funny. Mr. Denton, who is British, said he looked for good gossip columns in Washington and couldn't find any. "It's the most powerful place on the planet, and there's no inside story?" he said. "I don't know if it's because D.C. insiders like to keep it that way, but I'm in New York and I want to hear it." ...

First With the Scoop, if Not the Truth. [NYT]


Mlle EurotrashEurotrash was sinning over Easter:

It's time, please start hoovering your pubic hair, ET!


Belle:Guess, who is the unemployed finance graduate....


fringy ETEurotrash is home for Easter shopping at Waitrose, but also visiting her niece. "when the front door opened, she [her niece] was, indeed, gobsmacked. And then her first words were: 'But Auntie, your hair is really STRANGE.' She hadn't seen the two-tone New York affair."
Well, we don't think it's the two-tone New York affair, but rather these fringy bits we have highlighted in the picture on the left. Especially the ones kicking out sideways make this unique ET hairstyle.


GOOGLISM: Ludicrously we are among the top 10 of a google search result of which we'd never even thought to be part of - at least not on a top ten spot.

tmftml IS Jesus 

Jesus has a blog! Did you know? It's tmftml Now he comes out with his first story which is totally different to those from the old synoptists. So that's the good thing about blogs. Everyone can publish get filtered afterwards. The bunch of four, who finally edited the whole Jesus story to get some PR machine running, didn't give Jesus a chance to write at least a byline on his own. Blogs rule, now Jesus can have his own opinionated voice in the media world. Read his take on the Cana wedding:
I grab Judas and I some water, which I turn into wine, because like I’m going to pay 7 dinars for the premium wine. Judas and I know how to pace ourselves. I only had couscous for dinner, because the robe is getting a little tight. (Falafel—so tasty, so fattening!) I am not a size 0 in most robes, but the Ephesians craft theirs to stretch, so you must buy them a size or two smaller than you are—make a note of that.



Eurotrash, stop the Hesser bashing! She's *NICE*, actually!


Mlle Eurotrash Jeff Jarvis has his Daily Stern, we all have Kinja, so here we'll start our occasional Eurotrash digest.

THE EUROTRASH FORCED WOMAN EXPERIENCE:What would the blogosphere be without her!



"Kinjacking" might be the thing to do right now. We have aggregated some of the Kinja celebrity digests (1 2 3 4), but we will end that for now (until further requests drop in)! Andy Martin thinks "kinjacking" is a potential issue with Kinja and wonders why "instapundit", "wonkette" et al are publicly available. One might go as far as to call it the equivalent of domain name squatting. Yet, we do not know what the masterminds behind Kinja are aware of this. All in all it is something to think about. Sure, there won't be anyone going to court for having his/her Kinja "domain" back, but it can be annoying to see one's name taken away.

We'd appreciate to hear Nick's opinion!

another Kinja digest: Uncle Grambo


Rick Bruner's Kinja feed.



La Eurotrash Pictorial
As The Spiers disappears more and more in the obscure realms of the NY mag editorial office, we see the rise of brilliant Eurotrash. Since she set out to bash the NY Times, people have gone mad in her comment section, and her humiliation of Amanda Hesser supposedly led to a correction by the NYT's editor. So before we thumb that thesaurus quite so hard in order to write an ode to Mme. Eurotrash we'd rather start our celebretion by our first Eurotrash pictorial !! [photos by Bluejake]


More big blogger digests - this time from the high priests of Kinja themselves: Nick and Meg.

Amanda Hesser Gothamist Interview.

Calacanis Kinja Vendetta 

Jason ""Superstar"" heats up the War once again: Frankly, Jason, you are in need for a lot more editorial integrity.

He could not be quiet and had to leave a post in Jeff's comment section: Now, we are waiting for Jason's Kinja version, you know, in the same way he set up a Gizmodo sibling.


kinja Finally we get to see Kinja. Say "Kinja!" the way "Sega!"used to be said - quick, funny yet somewhat menacing - as you grab the collar of a nearby coworker and steal their change, say the peeps of Gothamist, who obviously seek the fun in everything. Go and read Nick's introduction and newsroundup.

Some of the big bloggers' digests: Lockhart, Choire, Eurotrash, Maccers, Jason "Superstar" Calacanis, TMFTML, Jake Gothamist, Jen Gothamist, Kottke, ..... actually a list like this should be available on the site. Or bloggers could put a link to their Kinja digest next to the usual rss feed link. We need an icon here!

And let's never forget: Kinja is not aimed at early adopters.

Blog-Bleary? Try (What Else?) a Blog [NYT]

ALSO: Be prepared to tune into GAWKER SE. The Gawker Senior edition will start on Monday!

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